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Making soap meets many needs

Work and income-generating project in Mali - Soap production 


Soap is a basic accessory for household and personal hygiene. Local soaps are used for washing, dishwashing and cleaning. As a result of the economic sanctions, the quantity of imported products is decreasing and their prices are increasing. The quality of the soaps available on the market, and in stores is low, they dissolve after one or two uses, but the locals use it out of necessity. There is no good quality, affordable product on the market.

The financial and moral support provided by the soap-making project will enable the ladies to start their own business activity. The manufactured products will fill the gaps in the soap market, they will be delivered to customers both in markets and small shops, as well as through direct sales. We will continue to help the ladies with price training and product development even after the end of the project.

The aim of the project is to help women, regardless of age, who are without work, profession or income, or single, uneducated, to learn how to make soap and sell the created products, thus providing a living for themselves and their families.

The basic principle of the foundation is to support only sustainable and environmentally friendly projects.


The project was realised in June 2023 with the financial support of Hungary Helps.

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